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My name is Amy Vasbinder and I specialize in proofreading legal transcripts for court reporters. I’m one of those grammar nerds who wished they had their red pen handy at all times. Whether it be attorney letters with typos, Facebook memes with mistakes, or just handwritten signs that have blatant errors, I’d love to be able to correct them all. Those mistakes drive me crazy because they jump out at me and beg to be corrected. For me, it’s just second nature to spot all those pesky errors. When I’m not a busy little bee catching mistakes in everyday life, my husband and I are beekeepers (as you’ll notice by the theme of my website). Please check out the other tabs on my site to get a better understanding of what Bee Correct Proofreading can do for you. I invite you to work with me and let’s see if it was meant to Bee!
** Customer satisfaction is my number one priority! **
If you are interested in learning more about how working with a proofreader that specializes in the court reporting field can help your transcripts look clean and professional, feel free to email me at: amy@beecorrectproofreading.com