Thank you again for taking the time to check out my website! Nothing helps more than a second pair of eyes reading over your transcripts. It is my belief that the proofreader is the final line of defense for a quality transcript. I get a great deal of satisfaction BEE-ing that second pair of eyes, that final line of defense. Why give up your precious time proofing your own work when I can do it for you? Increase your output by spending more time on the art of court reporting and less on the art of proofreading.
So here is a little background about myself. I’ve had 20+ years of hands-on experience in the legal industry as the loan documentation manager for a company that purchases and collects distressed debt. I handled all the behind-the-scenes paperwork dealing with each account. My knowledge in the legal/collection field is vast. I’ve dealt with a large variety of loan and legal documents; therefore, I will be familiar with a lot of legal verbiage that is seen in transcripts. It is amazing how many errors and typos I saw coming across my desk each day. I’m a proofreader by nature. It just comes naturally to me. I’d like to extend that expertise to you, the court reporter.
You are probably asking yourself, “Why would she be good to have on hand to finalize my transcript?” Well, I have completed the online course Transcript Proofreading: Theory and Practice ™, which entailed reading and correcting over 3,000+ pages of transcripts. This practice has acquainted me with what court reporters do and what a proofreader can provide for them. In addition to completing this course, I have familiarized myself with the following reference guides:

Morson’s English Guide for Court Reporters

Court Reporting: Bad Grammar / Good Punctuation by Margie Wakeman Wells

The Gregg Reference Manual

Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition
If you are interested in learning more about how working with a proofreader that specializes in the court reporting field can help your transcripts look clean and professional, feel free to email me at: amy@beecorrectproofreading.com